Upload Details

If you're at this page, it's probably because you've contacted us and been asked to provide additional details, such as your profile, or to upload high resolution images. So, thank you for taking the time to come here an provide more information. I really do appreciate it, because it makes the layout process so much easier.

If you can across this page by accident, or just found it, but would like contribute to Better Mental Health Magazine, please use the contact form in the first instance. Thank you.

My Details

Enter your reference ID, if you have one

If you've been given an article reference id, enter it here. Otherwise, please leave it as it's shown.

Enter your name
Enter your email address

My Profile

This section is just for when you were asked to provide a professional or personal (possibly both) profile to include in the article. If you're just here to upload file, then please ignore this section. Thank you.

Tell us about you!

We like to include a information about you — you personal and/or professional profile. It should be brief (not your resume or life history), around 120 words, and will be cut off at 1,000 characters, enough for others to get a sense of you!

Enter your preferred contact

Include up to three (3) ways of contacting you, such as your website, twitter or phone. This will be published with your post/article so only enter it if you want your contact details made available.

Files Upload

Any uploaded images need to be in high resolution. This is really important to ensure that the image you upload is suitable for the print or digital magazine. To work, it usually needs to be over 1MB in size.

If you understand this, and you have a high resolution image, please continue. Otherwise, please read this link for image upload details before uploading a file.

If it seems all too hard, just contact me, and we'll sort it out.


Maximum size 10MB - You can add multiple files by pressing this button again.